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How to Block Negative /BAD Comments on Youtube

नमस्कार दोस्तों आजे इस Article में मैं आपको बताऊंगा की अगर आपको अपने youtube चैनल में या youtube videos में BAD / Inappropriate / Negative / Abusive / Comments को Block करना हैं ताकि वो comments आपके Video और चैनल में Public को ना दिखे तो आप इसे कैसे Setup कर सकते हैं .

Why to Block Bad Words Comments on Youtube

जैसा की आपको पता है की youtube एक पब्लिक plateform हैं और इस plateform में किसी को भी विडियो upload करने की और किसी भी विडियो में कमेंट करने की आजादी हैं , लकिन इस दुनिया में कुछ ऐसे लोग भी हैं जो बिना किसी बात के दुसरो की troll करते हैं या फिर गाली दे देते हैं (कमेंट के रूप में) . और ऐसा करने के उनके अपने reasons होसकते हैं , लकिन अगर वो आपके content में कुछ ऐसा कमेंट करते हैं जो आपको अच्छा नहीं लगता की आपकी public उन्हें (comments) देखें . तो आपके लिए इस प्रकार के शब्दों को या कुछ Spam लिंक को block करना जरूरी होजाता हैं .

Ways To Block Negative /Bad Comments on Youtube:-

Youtube में आपके पास पहले से ही Negative / Bad Comment को Block करने के 2 तरीके होते हैं, जिनका इस्तेमाल करके आप अपने Youtube Channel और विडियो के कमेंट Section को अपने Viewers के लिए इन 2 तरीको से Clean (Without Bad Words) रख सकते हैं .

Way 1 .) Using Automated Filters :- youtube में आप जिन शब्दों को चाहे उन्हें अपने कमेंट Box में लिखे जाने से रोक सकते हैं , जिस से होगा ये की अगर आपके द्वारा दिए गए गंदे शब्दों (Bad / / Inappropriate / Negative / Abusive /) को कोई Use करके कमेंट करने की कोशिस करेगा तो वो उन शब्दों को अपने कमेंट Box में नहीं लिख पायेगा . आपको में निचे ऐसे की कुछ Bad words की लिस्ट दे रहा हू जिन्हें आप भी अपने Youtube चैनल की Blocked Words की List में Add कर सकते हैं (नीचे विडियो में बताया है की कैसे और कहाँ Add करना हैं ):-

List of Bad Words Should Be Blocked by All Youtube Channel Owner

fuck,fake,bakwas,fucking,MADARCHOD,maadharchod,referral,refer,sponsor,madrchod,reference,lund,sposer,chut,behan,lode,asshole,chutiya,loda,Maderchod,bhenka,louda,bhenchod,BAKVAS,chutiye, kutta, kamina, harami, madarjaat, bhenchod,randi, jhatu,sali,kamini,kutiya,randi,fucking,loda,,harami , kutta 

Way 2 .) Using Default Setting (Hold potentially inappropriate comments for review) :- इसकी help से आप youtube को ये Instruction दे सकते हो की अगर Youtube को लगे की कोई कमेंट Bad / Negative / Abusive हो तो उसे youtube खुद ही Publish होने से block कर दे और फिर आप बाद में उन Comments को Review कर सकते हैं और अगर आपको लगे की वो कमेंट सही है तो आप उसे publish कर सकते हैं नहीं तो आप उनको delete भी कर सकते हैं .

Hold potentially inappropriate comments for review Meaning in हिंदी :- youtube लगभग 100 + भाषाओ के Bad / Abbusive Words के search करता हैं और अगर उसे कोई bad word लगता है तो उस कमेंट को चैनल Owner के review के लिए छोड़ देता हैं .

अगर आप भी अपने चैनल में होने वाले potentially bad comments को filter करना चाहते हैं तो आप इस default setting को Use कर सकते हैं और कैसे करना है ये नीचे दिए गए विडियो में बताया गया हैं .

फेसबुक स्टोरी कैसे डाउनलोड करें | With Music |तुरंत

नमस्कार दोस्तों अगर आप फेसबुक में किसी और की Facebook Story Download करना चाहते हैं या फिर अपनी खुद की फेसबुक Story को अपने मोबाइल फ़ोन की Gallery में Download करना चाहते हैं तो आप बिलकुल सही जगह आये हुए हैं आपको इस Article में वो सभी तरीके बताये गए हैं जिन से आप अगर अपने , मोबाइल में चाहे तो मोबाइल में और अगर Computer / Pc में चाहे तो PC में भी Story को Music के साथ Download कर सकते हैं . तो Article पूरा पढ़ें .

इसे भी पढ़ें :- How to Download Facebook Videos on Android Step By Step

कोई भी फेसबुक की विडियो कैसे डाउनलोड करें

फेसबुक की स्टोरी डाउनलोड करने के तरीके (Ways तो Download FB Stories)

नोट :- फेसबुक से Story Download करने के 3 Case बनते हैं और तीनो तरीको को हम सीखेंगे :-

1.) अपनी फेसबुक Story को Music के साथ Download करना .

2.) किसी और की Facebook Story को PC / Laptop में Download करना .

3.) किसी और की Facebook Story को Mobile में Download करना .

दोस्तों वैसे फेसबुक तो हमें फ़िलहाल ऐसा कोई Inbuilt Option नहीं देता जिस से हम अपनी फेसबुक की Story को Music (Copyrighted) के साथ Download कर सकें या किसी और की फेसबुक Story को अपने Mobile में या PC में Direct Download कर सकें , लकिन हम आपको step बे Step पूरा Process (Tips And Tricks ) बताएँगे जिस से आप किसी की भी या खुद की Story को म्यूजिक के साथ Download कर सकते हैं .

1.) How To Download Own Facebook Story with Music In Mobile Gallery

Step 1.) सबसे पहले तो आपको अपने फ़ोन से अपनी फेसबुक Story बनानी होगी . (आप चाहे तो किसी फोटो में Music लगा सकते हैं या कोई विडियो भी Upload कर सकते हैं ).

Step 2.) उसके बाद आपको उस Photo/ Video में Music लगाना होगा .

Step 3.) फिर आपको उसको फेसबुक App के द्वारा Process करवाना होगा ताकि आपके फोटो और विडियो में Music Append (जुड़ना) होजये और आपकी स्टोरी Ready होजये.

Step 4.) फिर आपको उसे फेसबुक Story में शेयर करना होगा अगर आप चाहते हैं की वो Story किसी को दिखे नहीं तो आप उसकी Privacy को Only Me Select कर लें या फिर Custom Privacy कर लें ताकि आपके हिसाब से वो Story Facebook में Upload हो .

Step 5.) फिर आपको उस Facebook Story को Upload करना हैं .

Step 6.) फिर आपको अपनी उस Story को अपने Archive Folder (जिसे सिर्फ और सिर्फ आप Access कर सकते हैं) में Transfer करना होगा जो आप 3 dot में click करके कर सकते हैं .

Step 7.) फिर आपको अपनी फेसबुक Profile को Access करना होगा और साथ में 3 dot में click करके Archive Folder को Access करना होगा जिसमे आपके द्वारा किया गया सभी Archive data दिखेगा और आपने उस data में से अपनी Story को Select करना है और उसे Share करना है जैसे ही आप उसे select करके share करेंगे तो आपको वहां पर save का icon दिखेगा आप उसमे click करेंगे.

Step 8.) फिर आपको आपके मोबाइल की Gallery में आपको अपनी फेसबुक Story Downloaded मिलेगी वो भी Music के साथ.

Step 9 .) Enjoy and Leave a Comment Below  and Watch Video Below for step by step Process

How to Download Own Facebook Story in Gallery With Music Without App | अपनी फेसबुक स्टोरी कैसे डाउनलोड क

2.) How to Download Facebook /Instagram story video on pc

दोस्त वैसे तो फेसबुक अपने platform में हमे कही पर भी ये option नहीं देता जिस से हम किसी की भी फेसबुक की story को अपने computer / pc में डाउनलोड कर पाएं , लकिन हमे तो story download करनी ही है तो हम फेसबुक से PC में story download करने केलिए chrome Browser का इस्तेमाल करेंगे और chrome ब्राउज़र में एक Extension की help से किसी की भी story को download कर सकते हैं extension में बिना login किये जिसके steps नीचे दिए गए हैं :-

Step 1.) सबसे पहले आपको Chrome Browser को खोलना हैं और अपने Facebook Account में Login कर लेना हैं .

Step 2.) फिर आपको अपने chrome ब्राउज़र में extension download करना हैं जिसका नाम हैं Story Saver (Simply Download & Save stories from Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.) जिसे आप इस लिंक में click करके Direct Download और Install भी कर सकते हैं .

Step 3.) बस होगया और अब आपको अपने फेसबुक Profile को अपने Browser में Access करना हैं और जिस भी story को download करना चाहते हैं उसे खोलना है और फिर इस Story Saver Extension पर click करना है और आपकी story Download हो जायेगी जैसा आप नीचे दिए हुए विडियो में देख सकते हैं :-

How to download facebook video ? | Facebook Se Video Kaise Download Kare ? मोबाइल की Gallery में :-

आधार कार्ड सही है या गलत कैसे चेक करें (Aadhaar Card is Real or Fake)

आजके इस Article के माध्यम से आपको बताया जायेगा की अगर आपको check करना है की कोई आधार कार्ड असली है या नकली (Fake or Real) तो आप UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) की website में जा कर कैसे जान सकते हैं की जिस आधार कार्ड को आप check कर रहे हैं वो असली है या फर्जी .

Why We Need To Check If The Aadhar Card is Fake Or Real ?

अगर आपके मन में ये सवाल उत्पन्न होता है की आपको ये जाने की जरुरत क्यू है की कोई आधार कार्ड सही है या फर्जी , तो समझये की ये बहोत जरुरी है क्योँ की :-

A.) अगर आपने अपने घर में या अपनी दुकान में किसी को काम करने केलिए रखा है (नौकरी पर रखा हैं ) और उसने अपनी ID (पहचान पत्र) के रूप में आधार कार्ड दिया है तो आपको जानना जरूरी है की वो आधार कार्ड सही भी है या कही किसी साइबर cafe से फर्जी बनवा रखा है , और उस केस में अगर वो कोई गलत काम (crime) करता है तऔर भाग जाता हैं तो पुलिस के लिए उसे पकड़ना मुस्किल हो सकता है और आपको जान , माल की हानि होसकती हैं .

B.) अगर आपने अपने मकान / दूकान में किराये में किसी को रखा है और पहचान पत्र के रूप में आपने आधार कार्ड लिया हैं , और अगर कल के दिन वो आपकी प्रॉपर्टी में कोई illegal काम करता है या कोई crime करता है और भाग जाता है तो आपके पास उसका सही आधार कार्ड होना चाहए ताकि उसके Real Address तक पहुंचा जा सके और उसे पकड़ा जा सके.

C.) अगर आप कोई Business करते हैं जहाँ पर आपको अपने Customer का Photo Id लेना होता हैं तो उस केस में अगर आपके Customer ने आपको Aadhar Card दिया है तो आपके लिए ये जानना जरूरी है की वो आधार कार्ड कही फर्जी तो नहीं हैं 

D.) अगर कोई अनजान संधिगद व्यक्ति आपके घर के आस पास घूम रहा हैं , या फिर आपके मोहल्ले , गाव में घूम रहा है और आपने उसको पकड़ कर पूछा की कहाँ के हो और इस काम से घूम रहे हो अपना आधार कार्ड दिखाओ (अगर वो संधिगद लगता हैं तो) और उसने जो आधार कार्ड आपको दिखाया कही वो फर्जी तो नहीं है , और किसी गलत इरादे से घूम रहा हो तो उसके आधार कार्ड की सत्यता जानना जरूरी हैं .

भारत सरकार (UIDAI) क्या कहती हैं आधार Card की सत्यता के बारे में ?

भारत सरकार का Aadhar Card Department कहता है की आप आधार कार्ड की सत्यता को Online /offline Check कर सकते हो जैसा आप नीचे किये गए उनके Tweet को देख सकते हैं :-

Steps On How to Check if Aadhaar Card is Real or Fake

तो चलये अब आधार कार्ड सही है या गलत कैसे चेक करें ये जान लेते हैं नीचे दिए गए Steps के द्वारा :-

Step 1.)

सबसे पहले आपको UIDAI (Aadhar Authority ) website के उस पेज में जाना होगा जहाँ से आप किसी का भी और कोई भी आधार check कर सकते हैं .

  1. Visit आधार Check पेज on UIDAI Website .

    ये check करेने केलिए की Aadhaar submitted to you is a genuine one or not. click  Verify Aadhaar

  2. अब आपको इस पेज में उस आधार नंबर को डालना है जिसको आप check करना चाहते हैं .

    आधार नंबर को enter करने के बाद आपको captcha enter करना है और फिर Proceed To Verify में click करना है जैसा आप नीचे फोटो में देख सकते हैं aadhar genuine one or not

  3. फिर आपको उस आधार से सम्बंधित जानकारी देखने को मिल जाएगी अगर वो आधार कार्ड orignal हुआ तो नहीं तो आपको message लिखा मिलेगा This आधार Doesn’t Exist

    अगर आधार सही हुआ तो आपको दिखेगा की उस आधार धारक की उम्र कितने से कितने तक होसकती हैं , महिला है या पुरुष हैं , किस राज्य का रहने वाला हैं , मोबाइल नंबर की अंतिम नम्बर क्या हैं . जिस से आप उस इंसान को देख कर अनुमान लगा सकते हो की वो और उसका आधार सही हैं . जैसा आप नीचे विडियो में देख सकते हैं :-

Step By Step Video Guide on How to Check if Aadhaar Card is Real or Fake

अगर आपने अपने आधार कार्ड में कुछ चेंज करना है  जैसे आधार कार्ड में online मोबाइल नंबर चेंज . Address , DOB , Name , Email तो आप इस लिंक को भी फॉलो कर सकते हैं जिसमे विस्तार से बताया गया हैं की आधार कार्ड में मोबाइल नंबर , Address कैसे चेंज कर सकते हैं 

Check Name in Voter List (अपना नाम वोटर लिस्ट में कैसे देखें )

अगर आप वोटर लिस्ट में अपना नाम चेक (Search) करना चाहते हैं तो इस पोस्ट को अंत तक पढ़ें जिसमे बताया गया है की आप अपना नाम voter लिस्ट में कैसे check कर सकते हैं और अगर आपका नाम voter लिस्ट में आता है तो आप अपना मतदाता सूचना पर्ची  Download कर सकते हैं ताकि आप नजदीकी मतदान केंद्र में जाकर अपना मतदान कर सकें .

अपना नाम राष्ट्रीय निर्वाचक नामावली में कैसे ढूंढ सकते हैं?

By Using ElectoralSearch.in web-site you can:

  • Search your name in National Electoral Roll by entering basic details. (आधारभूत ब्‍यौरों को प्रविष्‍ट करके आप राष्ट्रीय निर्वाचक नामावली में अपना नाम ढूंढ सकते हैं।)
  • Locate polling station on map. (मानचित्र पर मतदान केन्‍द्र की अवस्थिति जान सकते हैं)
  • Print voter information slip. (मतदाता जानकारी पर्ची प्रिंट कर सकते हैं।)
  • Apply for Enrolment, Modification, Deletion and change of address in electoral roll. (निर्वाचक नामावली में पंजीयन, संशोधन, विलोपन और पते के परिवर्तन के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं।)
  • Know Booth Level Officer(BLO), Electoral Roll Officer(ERO) (बूथ लेवल अधिकारी (बी एल ओ) निर्वाचक रजिस्‍ट्रीकरण अधिकारी (ईआरओ) को जान सकते हैं।)
  • Know District Election Officials and officials in Chief Election Office (जिला निर्वाचन पदधारियों तथा मुख्‍य निर्वाचन अधिकारी के कार्यालय के पदधारियों को जान सकते हैं।)

Step by Step Process on हाउ तो Search Your name on Voter List

  1. Voter लिस्ट में अपना नाम search करने के 2 तरीके हैं :- A.) Search by Details B.) Search by EPIC No.

    सबसे पहले आपको https://electoralsearch.in/ की website में जाना होगा और फिर दोनों तरीको में से कोई एक तरीका select करना होगा जैसा आप नीचे दिए हुए फोटो में देख सकते हैं search name इन voter list

  2. Method A.) अगर आप Search by Details को Select करते हैं तो आप अपने नाम से अपना नामा voter लिस्ट में search कर सकते हैं 

    Name से voter लिस्ट में नाम search करने केलिए आपको अपने Father का name और अपनी Date of Birth के साथ अपना State , District और Assembly Constitueency Enter करके Captcha Dal के Search करना होगा . जैसा आप उप्पर दिए हुए फोटो में देख सकते हैं .

  3. Method B.) अगर आप Search by EPIC को Select करते हैं तो आप अपने EPIC नंबर से अपना नामा voter लिस्ट में search कर सकते हैं

    EPIC नंबर से voter लिस्ट में नाम search करने केलिए आपको अपना EPIC no. और Apna State Enter करना होगा और फिर Captcha enter कर के आप
    अपना नाम Search कर सकते हैं (EPIC No. कहाँ मिलेगा नीचे बताया गया हैं )Search-Name-Using-Epic-Number

EPIC Number (Meaning) क्या होता हैं और कहाँ से मिलेगा ?

EPIC (Electors Photo Identity Card) Number एक Unique नंबर होता है जो Voter Id Card के उपर दर्ज होता हैं जिस से हर एक Voter को आसानी से Identify किया जा सकता हैं जैसा की आप नीचे दिए हुए फोटो में देख सकते हैं :-

EPIC Number Example

वोटर लिस्ट में नाम कैसे देखे (Check By Name / Check By EPIC No.)

How to Download Voter List ?

अगर आप अपने Area / मोहल्ले की Voting List को Download करना चाहते हैं तो आप नीचे दिए हुए steps को follow करके Download कर सकते हैं .

Step 1.) सबसे पहले आप NVSP की Official website के उस Web पेज में जाये जहाँ से आप अपने State / राज्य को select कर सकें :- Click to Download Voting List

Step 2.) फिर आपको अपने State को Select करना हैं और फिर Go पर click करना हैं , जैसा आप नीचे दिए फोटो में देख सकते हैं .

Step 3.) फिर आपको आपके State की website में भेज दिया जायेगा और आपको फिर उस website में Electoral Roll PDF के option को select करना होगा और फिर अपना District , Assembly Constituency , PART को select करना होगा और Download/View पर click करना होगा .

Note :- सभी States की Website अलग अलग होती है तो आपको interface अलग अलग दिख सकता हैं ,लकिन Process एक जैसा है ,जैसा आप नीचे दिए विडियो में देख सकते हैं :-

How to Download Voting List Pdf | ( मतदाता सूची डाउनलोड करें ) | मतदाता सूची में अपना नाम देखें 2022 Video:-

Voter Id Card ki Website me Register Kaise Karein , आत्मनिर्भर भारत अभियान क्या है (जानें हिंदी में पूरी जानकारी) Mera Aadhar Card kaha Kaha Use Hua hai (ऐसे जाने), Enrollment Number से Aadhar Card कैसे Download करें, Baal Aadhar: 5 साल से कम उम्र के बच्चों के लिए बनवाएं, Aadhar Card Online कैसे download करें, Aadhar PVC Card- what is aadhar PVC card

वैक्सीन सर्टिफिकेट कैसे डाउनलोड करें (4 तरीके ) (Whatsapp & Cowin & Aarogya Setu & Digital Locker)

अगर आपने corona vaccine लगवा ली है और आप अपना vaccination certificate download करना चाहते हैं तो आप इस पोस्ट को पूरा पढ़ें या फिर नीचे दिए हुए विडियो को देखें जिसमे step by step बताया गया है की आप Whatsapp , Cowin Website से या फिर Aarogya Setu Application से अपने Mobile या Computer में अपना  vaccination certificate कैसे आसानी से Download कर सकते हैं .

कौन कौन कर सकता है vaccination certificate को Download

भारत में रहने वाला कोई भी भारतीय नागरिक जिसने कही से भी (Goverment Hospital या Private Hospital / vaccine Camp / etc) से Cowin portal में अपने आप को Register करके कोरोना vaccine लगवाई है वो सभी लोग अपना वैक्सीन सर्टिफिकेट आसानी से Cowin portal या फिर aarogya सेतु app से Download कर सकते हैं .

Corona vaccination certificate के फायदे क्या हैं 

कोरोना वैक्सीन सर्टिफिकेट एक लीगल Document है जिसमे अभ्यर्थी की सभी जानकारी होती है की उसने corona vaccine कब कहाँ और कौनसी vaccine लगायी है और ये certificate आपके सबसे ज्यादा तब काम आता है जब आप कही घुमने या फिर काम से जाये और जहाँ आप जा रहे हैं वहां आपको vaccination certificate होने पर जाने देने में प्राथमिकता दी जाएगी अगर आप Fully Vaccinated होगये हैं तो , पहली Dose लगाने पर आपको प्रोविजनल सर्टिफिकेट मिलता है . और दोनों Dose लगाने के बाद आपको फाइनल सर्टिफिकेट दिया जाएगा.

3 Ways To Download Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate are :-

Way 1 Using Cowin Website :-

Time needed: 2 minutes

अगर आप Cowin Website से अपना vaccin certificate Download करना चाहते हैं तो आप नीचे दिए गए इन Steps को Follow करके अपना Corona vaccination certificate आसानी से Download कर सकते हैं .

  1. सबसे पहले आप Ministry of Health and Family Welfare की Official Website https://www.cowin.gov.in/ पर जायें 

    अगर आप चाहे तो इस लिंक पर click करके Direct उस web पेज पर जा सकते हैं जहाँ से आप Login करके अपना  वैक्सीन सर्टिफिकेट Direct Download कर सकते हैं.

  2. Cowin Website में Login करें 

    फिर आपको अपना मोबाइल नंबर डाल कर Get OTP पर Click करना होगा . और आपके मोबाइल में एक OTP आएगा और फिर उस OTP को Enter करके आप Cowin Website में Login करेंगे जैसे आप नीचे दिए हुए फोटो में देख सकते हैं Login In Cowin Website Using Mobile Number

  3. CoWin में Login करने के बाद आप अपना Vaccine Certificate Download कर सकते हैं 

    जैसे ही आप लॉग इन करेंगे आपको आपके Dashboard में ही दिख जायेगा की आपने अभी तक Vaccine की कितनी Dose लगायी हैं , और आप जिस भी Dose का Certificate Download करना चाहते हैं आपको उसके नीचे “Certificate” का option दिखेगा आपको उसमे Click करना है और आपके मोबाइल / PC के Download फोल्डर में Certificate.pfd file मिलेगी जिसमे आपका vaccine certificate होगा जैसा आप नीचे विडियो में देख सकते हैं 

Way 2 Using Aarogya Setu App :-

अगर आप Arogya Setu App से अपने Corona vaccination certificate को Download करना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दिए हुए Steps को Follow करें :-

Step 1 :- Open Arogya सेतु App इन Your मोबाइल.

Step 2.) Click on Vaccination Icon and लॉग इन / Verify with Your Mobile नंबर As Shown इन थे Image Below:-

जैसे ही आप Aarogya setu App में अपने मोबाइल से लॉग इन करेंगे आपको आपके Dashboard में ही दिख जायेगा की आपने अभी तक Vaccine की कितनी Dose लगायी हैं , और आप जिस भी Dose का Certificate Download करना चाहते हैं आपको उसके बगल में  “Certificate का icon ” दिखेगा आपको उसमे Click करना है और आपके मोबाइल के Download फोल्डर में pfd file मिलेगी जिसमे आपका vaccine certificate होगा जैसा आप नीचे विडियो में देख सकते हैं

Way 3 Using Whatsapp App in Mobile Phone:-

अगर आप अपने मोबाइल में अपना corona Vaccine certificate Whatsaap के द्वारा download करना चाहते हैं तो आप Cowin portal द्वारा उपलब्ध Whatsapp Chat Bot (Number = 9013151515) का इस्तेमाल करके भी अपने Mobile नंबर द्वारा Download कर सकते हैं जिसके लिए आपको नीचे दिए हुए steps को follow करना होगा :-

Step 1.) सबसे पहले आपको अपने Whatsapp में Cowin Portal के Whatsapp Chat bot का नंबर अपने मोबाइल में save करना होगा या फिर अगर पहले से ही save है तो आपको chatbot को एक message लिख कर भेजना हैं “certificate” जैसा आप नीचे दिए हुए फोटो में देख सकते हैं :-

 download corona vaccine certificate using whatsapp

Step 2.) फिर आपके Cowin Portal में Registered Mobile Number (Vaccine अपॉइंटमेंट लेने वाले मोबाइल नंबर पर ) पर एक OTP आएगा और आपने उस OTP को Enter करके अपने आप को verify करना है और फिर अपना corona certificate अपने whatsapp में मागवा लेना है या download कर लेना हैं , जैसा नीचे फोटो में दिखाया गया हैं :-

whatsapp covid certificate

Whatsapp Se Vaccine Certificate kaise Download Karen :-

Step By Step विडियो Guide on how to download covid vaccine certificate in mobile :-

अगर आप Cowin Certificate Online Verify करना चाहते हैं तो आप घर बैठे अपने mobile/ pc से अपने या किसी और के Covid Vaccine certificate को Verify भी कर सकते हैं , अर्थात :- आप online ये भी जान सकते हैं की जो Covid certificate आपके पास है वो वैध भी है या नहीं ? :-

How to Verify Cowin Certificate Online | Covid Vaccine Certificate Verification असली या नकली?

Way 4 :- Download Covid Vaccination Certificate by Aadhar & Digital Locker | वैक्सीन सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड करें

आप Covid Vaccine और Corona Vaccine Certificate से सम्बंधित इन महत्वपूर्ण पोस्टो / विडियो को भी पढ़/ देख सकते हैं :-

1.) 💉 How to Register for Covid Vaccine in India | कोरोना वैक्सीन के लिए कैसे रजिस्टर करें मोबाइल से ?💉

2.) 💉 How to Register for Covid Vaccine Second Dose in India | वैक्सीन की दूसरी डोज के लिए रजिस्टर करें

3.) How to Download Covid Vaccine Certificate in Mobile | वैक्सीनेशन सर्टिफिकेट कैसे डाउनलोड करें 💉 📜

4.) Whatsapp Se Vaccine Certificate Kaise Download Karen | वैक्सीनेशन सर्टिफिकेट कैसे डाउनलोड करें 💉 📜

5.) 💉 📜 How to Verify Cowin Certificate Online | Covid Vaccine Certificate Verification असली या नकली?

6.) How to Cancel / Reschedule Covid Vaccine Appointment | वैक्सीन अपॉइंटमेंट कैंसिल कैसे करे ? 💉 🚫

7.) Covid Vaccine Certificate Download by Aadhaar Number

How to Delete All WordPress Comments at Once

Time needed: 1 minute

In This Article You Will Learn How To Delete All Comments (Pending , Approve, Spam) In One Click in WordPress So Please Follow The Steps Below

  1. How To Delete All Pending Comments at once

    First Login To Your WordPress Website / Blog And Select Comments From Your Dashboards As Shown In The Image Below Delete All WordPress Comments

  2. Then You Will See 10 or 20 Comments (Items In The Page) But As We Want To Delete All Comments At Once You Need To Select All Comments For Doing So

    Click On Screen Option Drop down from Top Right Corner and Fill In Number Of Items (Comments) You Want To See in One Page as shown on the Image Below (Max Length =999 items) and hit applyselect all pending comments

  3. Then Select All Comments From That Page And Perform Bulk Action (Bulk Delete)

    Now This Is The Time To Select All Comments at once which You Want To Delete , Uncheck Those Comments You Don’t Want To Delete As Shown In The Image Below Bulk Delete all Comments

  4. If You Are Getting A Server (Hosting) Side Error Or URL Error While Deleting All Comments At Once

    Reduce The Number Of Comments From Screen Option Because May Be Your Hosting Or URL may not be able To Process That Much Request At a Time . For More Information Related Error Watch The Video Below

Step By Step Video Guide On How To Delete All Pending Comments On WordPress Blog Is Below :-

Read More Articles About WordPress If You Want To Learn More About WordPress Website Or Blog :-

इन्हें भी पढ़ें :-

[2 Ways] Install/Update Plugins On WordPress Blog / Website (Manually + Automatically)

How to Choose Best WordPress Hosting in 2023 ऐसे खरीदें और पाए फ्री Domain & SSL

How to Delete All WordPress Comments at Once

How to Add User in WordPress Website (User Roles and Permissions)

How to Embed tweet/post in WordPress post

How to Download and Install Windows 11 for Free

नमस्कार दोस्तों जैसा की आप सभी जानते ही हैं की Microsoft ने अपना नया Operating System Windows 11 बना लिया हैं और Beta version लांच भी कर दिया हैं of फाइनल version आप सभी को इसी साल या फिर अगले साल की सुरुवात तक मिल जायेगा , लकिन अगर आप अभी अपने PC / Laptop में Windows 11 को Free में Download और Install करके चलाना चाहते हैं तो इस पोस्ट को अंत तक पढ़े मैं आपको की आप Windows 11 को कैसे Download कर सकते हैं और कैसे Windows 11 (Beta) को install करके USE कर सकते हैं .

How To Download Windows 11 (Beta) To Your PC For FREE

Windows 11 Beta को Download करने केलिय आपको सबसे पहले Microsoft Windows Insider Program में अपने आपको रजिस्टर करना होगा जो की आप इस लिंक में Click करके Direct Microsoft की Website में जा कर कर सकते हैं Windows Insider Program

Steps to Download Windows 11 (Beta)

Step 1.) Visit Microsoft’s Official Web Page Of Windows Insider Program और Register पर click करें जैसा नीचे फोटो में दिखाया गया हैं 

Step 2.) फिर आपको Sign In पर Click करके अपने Microsoft Account से Login करना होगा और अगर आपके पास Microsoft का account नहीं है तो पहले आप Microsoft का account बना ले और फिर Login करें 


How to apply for Fastag using Paytm


Friends आज की इस post में हम आपको ये बतायेंगे कि Paytm का use करके आप Fastag के लिए कैसे apply कर सकते है (“How to apply for Fastag using Paytm”)

Fastag क्यों जरुरी है

जैसे ही सरकार सिस्टम को ठीक करने के लिए कोई भी नियम बनती है, तो उससे कई लोग अपने फायदा उठाने की सोचते हैं. NHAI (National Highway Authority) ने Fastag को लेकर लोगों को आघात किया है कि 15 फरवरी 2021 से पुरे देश में Fastag अनिवार्य कर दिया है. पहले टोल प्लाज़ा पर एक line Cash Counter कि हुआ करती थी जिसे आधी रात से खत्म कर दिया गया है. जिसका मतलब है कि बिना Fastag के आपका सफ़र महंगा और दिक्कत भरा होने वाला है.

Related Post- Fastag क्या है

आपका Fastag नकली है या असली

NHAI ने लोगों को चेतावनी देते हुए कहा है कि कुछ लोग Online नकली Fastag बेच रहे है. जो दिखने में बिल्कुल NHAI/HMCL कि तरह ही दिखते है. ऐसे में आपको इन लोगों से बचना है. असली fastag खरीदने के लिए आपको HMCL की Official वेबसाइट या MYFastag app का use करना होगा. इसके अलावा users नीचे दिए गये बैंक की List से भी fastag खरीद सकते है.

  1. ICICI bank
  2. Axis bank
  3. IDFC bank
  4. SBI Bank
  5. Equitas
  6. Panjab National Bank
  7. Syndicate Bank
  8. PayTm
  9. Karur Vyasa Bank
  10. HDFC bank
नकली Fastag की यहा करे शिकायतें

जो लोग Online नकली fastag बेच रहे है उनकी शिकायत आप NHAI के Helpline number 1033 पर phone करके या फिर etc.nodel@ihmcl.com पर लिख सकते है.

Apply Fastag Using Paytm

अगर आप भी Paytm के द्वारा Fastag के लिए apply करना चाहते है तो आपको नीचे दिए गये Steps को Follow करना होगा.

  1. Click link

    सबसे पहले आपको इस link https://paytm.com/ में click कर लेना है. अपने Paytm के mobile number और password कि help से आपको login हो जाना है.

  2. More

    Home page पर More पर click करे. अब आपके सामने एक dropdown open होगा उसमे Fastag में click करे.
    how to apply for fastag

  3. Paytm Fastag page

    अब आपके सामने Paytm Fastag Page खुलेगा. इसमें आपको वाहन का registration number और registration certificate upload करना है.
    आपको इस बात का ध्यान देना है की आपकी RC की Image 2 MB से ज्यादा कि नही होनी चाहिए.

    fastag apply

  4. Buy for rupees 500

    आपको Buy for rupees 500 में click कर दे.

  5. Add Address

    इसके बाद आप जिस भी Address पर Fastag मंगाना चाहते है उस address को fill करके Add पर click कर देंगे.

  6. Pay rupees

    इसमें आपको पहले 500 rupees pay करने होंगे. आप चाहे तो आप Debit Card, Credit Card, UPI, Internet banking से भी payment कर सकते है.

जैसे ही आप Payment Send करेंगे उसके 6से 7 दिन के बाद Fastag को आपके Address पर पहुच जायेगा. और उसको आप अपनी कार पर लगा लेंगे. इसके बाद जब भी आप किसी टोल प्लाज़ा से गुजरेंगे तो आपको वह रुकने की जरुरत नही पड़ेगी direct आपके Paytm Wallet से rupees कट हो जायेंगे.

Paytm से Fastag बनवाने के फायदे

Paytm से Fastag बनवाने के 2 बड़े फायदे है-

  • आपको ज्यादा Document देने की जरुरत नही पडती है. आपको सिर्फ Vichel का number और RC की Photocopy देनी होगी.
  • Paytm से Fastag बनवाने पर आपको उसको recharge करने कि जरुरत नही पडती है. आपके Paytm wallet से ही Fastag का Charge कट होता रहेगा.

Fastag Registration Process

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Meta Unveils Threads App: A Revolutionary Approach to Social Media Conversations

Facebook’s parent company, Meta, has recently unveiled its highly anticipated social media platform called Threads. Designed to rival Twitter and provide users with a streamlined and immersive conversation experience, Threads promises to transform the way people interact online. With its unique features and emphasis on threaded discussions, Meta aims to create a platform that encourages meaningful conversations while fostering a sense of community.

Threads (Download) offers an innovative approach to social media conversations by organizing discussions into threads, allowing users to easily follow and participate in specific topics or conversations. This new feature has generated significant buzz and excitement among social media enthusiasts and industry experts alike.

One of the key advantages of Threads is its ability to declutter users’ timelines by segregating conversations. Unlike traditional social media platforms, where posts appear chronologically, Threads prioritizes conversations based on relevance and user preferences. This feature ensures that users can focus on the discussions they care about, reducing information overload and enhancing the overall user experience.

Additionally, Threads introduces a unique threading system that enables users to easily navigate through conversations and locate specific replies. This hierarchical structure streamlines discussions, making it effortless for users to contribute to ongoing conversations or pick up where they left off. The threaded format also fosters deeper engagement and provides an organized way to follow the flow of conversations, ensuring that users never miss a crucial point.

Meta has placed a strong emphasis on user privacy and control, addressing concerns that have plagued social media platforms in the past. Threads offers a range of privacy settings, allowing users to control who can participate in their conversations and who can view their threads. This granular control empowers users to create safe and inclusive spaces, fostering meaningful interactions and reducing the risk of online harassment.

Furthermore, Threads incorporates Meta’s advanced AI technology to enhance users’ experience. The platform utilizes natural language processing algorithms to provide personalized recommendations and suggestions, ensuring that users discover relevant threads aligned with their interests and preferences. This intelligent curation system aims to create a more tailored and enjoyable social media experience for each individual user.

Threads also offers seamless integration with other Meta products and services, enabling users to easily share and engage with content from Instagram, WhatsApp, and other platforms within the Threads ecosystem. This integration enhances the cross-platform connectivity, ensuring that users can engage with their favorite conversations and connect with friends across multiple platforms effortlessly.

As with any new social media platform, there are questions about moderation and addressing harmful content. Meta has stated its commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment on Threads, employing a combination of automated systems and human moderation to monitor and address any potential issues promptly.

With the introduction of Threads, Meta aims to reinvent the way people engage in conversations online. By prioritizing meaningful interactions, organizing discussions into threads, and providing users with greater control over their social media experience, Meta aims to create a platform that fosters a sense of community and belonging. Threads represents an exciting leap forward in social media innovation and has the potential to reshape the way we connect and communicate in the digital world.

As the platform continues to evolve and gain popularity, users can look forward to an enhanced social media experience that emphasizes quality conversations, customization, and seamless integration. With Threads, Meta is set to challenge the status quo and create a more engaging and inclusive social media ecosystem.

Disclaimer: This article is based on publicly available information and the author’s interpretation of the subject matter. The features and functionalities mentioned may be subject to change as Meta continues to develop and refine the Threads platform.

Download Your Favorite Reels with Instagram’s New Feature

Instagram Adds Long-Requested Feature: Instagram has added a new feature that allows users to download public Reels. The feature, which is currently only available in the US, was announced by Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, on his Instagram broadcast channel.

To download a Reel, users simply need to tap the Share icon on the Reel and select “Download.” The Reel will then be saved to the user’s camera roll.

Mosseri said that the new feature was one of the most requested by users. “We know that people want to be able to save Reels they love to their camera rolls, so we’re excited to make this feature available,” he said.

The ability to download Reels is a welcome addition for users who want to save Reels to watch offline or share with others. It is also a useful feature for creators who want to share their Reels with a wider audience.

Not All Reels Are Downloadable:

It is important to note that not all Reels can be downloaded. Private Reels and Reels from accounts that have disabled downloads cannot be saved.

To check if a Reel can be downloaded, users can tap the Share icon on the Reel. If the “Download” option is not available, then the Reel cannot be downloaded.


The ability to download public Reels is a new and useful feature that will be welcomed by many Instagram users. The feature is currently only available in the US, but it is likely to be rolled out to other regions in the coming weeks or months.

Why YouTube Is Better than Facebook for Video Creators

In the digital age, video content has become a powerful medium for communication, creativity, and entertainment. Platforms like YouTube and Facebook have emerged as major players in the online video space. While both platforms offer video-sharing capabilities, YouTube stands out as a superior choice for video creators. In this article, we will explore why YouTube is better than Facebook for video creators and how it can benefit them in numerous ways.

Reach and Audience:

YouTube boasts a massive user base, with over 2 billion logged-in monthly active users. It is the second-largest search engine globally, after its parent company, Google. This extensive reach provides video creators with unparalleled opportunities to connect with a wide audience and grow their following. In contrast, Facebook’s video feature primarily serves as a supplementary component within its social networking platform.

Monetization Opportunities:

YouTube offers various monetization options for video creators, such as the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), Super Chat, channel memberships, merchandise shelf, and YouTube Premium revenue share. These avenues enable creators to generate income from their content based on ad revenue, fan contributions, and direct sales. Facebook, on the other hand, primarily relies on advertising revenue, limiting the monetization options available to video creators.

Video Quality and Optimization:

YouTube provides a robust infrastructure for uploading and streaming high-quality videos. It supports resolutions up to 8K and offers advanced video codecs, ensuring optimal visual experience for viewers. Additionally, YouTube’s video optimization features, such as tags, descriptions, and closed captions, help creators enhance the discoverability and accessibility of their content. Facebook’s video quality and optimization capabilities are comparatively limited.

Benefits of YouTube’s Video Quality and Optimization:

  • Support for high-resolution videos (up to 8K)
  • Advanced video codecs for superior visual experience
  • Video optimization features for enhanced discoverability and accessibility

Creator Tools and Analytics:

YouTube offers a comprehensive set of creator tools and analytics that empower video creators to understand their audience, track performance, and refine their content strategy. Creators can access data on views, watch time, audience demographics, traffic sources, and more. These insights enable them to make informed decisions, optimize their videos, and engage with their audience effectively. Facebook’s analytics for video content are relatively limited, providing less detailed information and insights.

Searchability and Discoverability:

YouTube’s search engine functionality, combined with Google’s search integration, makes it a powerful platform for discoverability. Video creators can leverage YouTube’s SEO practices to optimize their content and increase its visibility in search results. Moreover, YouTube’s recommendation algorithm suggests videos to users based on their viewing history and preferences, enhancing the chances of content discovery. Facebook’s video content is primarily displayed within the platform, limiting its reach and discoverability.

Ways YouTube Enhances Searchability and Discoverability:

  • Integration with Google’s search engine
  • SEO practices for optimizing video content
  • Recommendation algorithm based on user preferences

Community and Engagement:

YouTube fosters a strong community of creators and viewers, with features like comments, likes, shares, and subscriptions encouraging interaction and engagement. Video creators can build a loyal fan base, receive feedback, and collaborate with others in their niche. Facebook’s video features, although present, do not offer the same level of community-building and engagement opportunities as YouTube.

Longevity and Sustainability:

YouTube has established itself as a long-standing platform for video content, with a track record of consistent growth and user engagement. It has evolved over the years to adapt to changing trends and user preferences, ensuring its longevity as a video-sharing platform. This stability provides video creators with a sustainable environment to build their brand and audience over time. In contrast, Facebook’s video features have seen more fluctuations and changes, making it less predictable in terms of long-term sustainability for video creators.

Benefits of YouTube’s Longevity and Sustainability:

  • Established platform with a track record of consistent growth
  • Adaptability to changing trends and user preferences
  • Provides a stable environment for building a brand and audience over time


YouTube outshines Facebook as a superior platform for video creators. Its vast reach, monetization opportunities, video quality, optimization features, creator tools, and analytics make it an ideal platform for content creators to showcase their talent and connect with a global audience. The searchability, discoverability, community-building, and long-term sustainability offered by YouTube further solidify its position as the go-to platform for video creators. While Facebook has its merits in the social networking realm, it falls short in providing the comprehensive and specialized features that video creators require to thrive. Aspiring video creators should undoubtedly consider YouTube as their primary platform to unleash their creativity and establish a successful online presence.

Twitter Will Start Paying Creators for Ads Served in Their Replies

Twitter to Pay Creators for Ads Served in Their Replies:

Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur and new owner of Twitter, has announced that the platform will begin paying creators for ads that are served in their replies. In a tweet on Friday, Musk said that the initial payment block for this program will total approximately $5 million.

How Elon Musk’s New Ad Program Will Pay Creators for Replies

To be eligible for the program, creators must be verified by Twitter. Ads served to verified users will be the ones accounted for. Musk did not specify how much creators would be paid per ad, but he said that the program would be “revenue-share based.”

The move is a way for Twitter to incentivize creators to produce high-quality content and engage with their followers. It could also help to attract new users to the platform.

Twitter has been struggling to grow its user base in recent years. The company’s most recent quarterly earnings report showed that it had lost users for the first time in its history.

Musk has said that he wants to make Twitter a more attractive platform for users and creators. He has also said that he wants to make the platform more open and transparent.

The introduction of paid ads in replies is one of the first steps that Musk has taken to make Twitter more attractive to users and creators. It remains to be seen whether this will be enough to turn the company’s fortunes around.

Here are some of the potential benefits of Twitter’s new program for creators:

  • Increased revenue: Creators can earn money from ads that are served in their replies. This could provide a significant source of income for some creators, especially those who have large followings.
  • Increased engagement: Ads that are served in replies are more likely to be seen by users than ads that are displayed on the main Twitter feed. This could lead to increased engagement with creators’ content.
  • Increased visibility: Ads that are served in replies can help to raise awareness of creators’ work. This could lead to new followers and opportunities for collaboration.

Here are some of the potential challenges of Twitter’s new program for creators:

  • Low pay: The amount of money that creators earn from ads may be relatively low. This could discourage some creators from participating in the program.
  • Content moderation: Creators may be responsible for moderating the comments on their replies. This could be time-consuming and difficult.
  • Ad quality: The quality of the ads that are served in replies may not be high. This could lead to negative user experiences.

Overall, Twitter’s new program for creators has the potential to benefit both creators and the platform. However, there are also some potential challenges that creators will need to be aware of.

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Narendra Modi and Sam Altman Discuss the Future of AI

Narendra Modi, Sam Altman Discuss Tech and Digital Transformation:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday interacted with Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (ChatGPT), a non-profit research company that promotes and develops friendly artificial intelligence in a safe and beneficial way.

The two leaders discussed a range of topics, including the use of technology to improve people’s lives, the need for ethical development of AI, and the importance of international cooperation in this area.

Modi said that India is committed to using technology to improve the lives of its citizens. He highlighted the government’s initiatives in areas such as digital literacy, e-governance, and digital payments.

Altman said that OpenAI is committed to developing AI that is safe, beneficial, and aligned with human values. He said that the company is working on a number of projects, including developing AI that can help people with disabilities, AI that can be used to improve healthcare, and AI that can be used to combat climate change.

The two leaders also discussed the importance of international cooperation in the development of AI. They agreed that it is important to work together to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that benefits all of humanity.

The interaction between Modi and Altman was a positive step in the development of a global consensus on the use of AI. It is important for leaders from all countries to work together to ensure that AI is used for good and not for harm.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the interaction:

Sam Altman & Modi
  • India is committed to using technology to improve the lives of its citizens.
  • OpenAI is committed to developing AI that is safe, beneficial, and aligned with human values.
  • It is important for leaders from all countries to work together to ensure that AI is used for good and not for harm.

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UPI Cash Withdrawal Now Available at Bank of Baroda ATMs

Bank of Baroda Introduces New UPI Cash Withdrawal System:

Bank of Baroda has introduced a new system for withdrawing cash using UPI at ATMs. Under the new system, customers will need to scan the QR code displayed on the ATM screen using their mobile phones. The customer’s UPI PIN will then be required to complete the transaction. The new system is expected to make it more convenient and secure for customers to withdraw cash using UPI.

How to Withdraw Cash Using UPI at a Bank of Baroda ATM:

To withdraw cash using UPI at a Bank of Baroda ATM, follow these steps:

  1. Select the “UPI” option on the ATM screen.
  2. Scan the QR code displayed on the screen using your mobile phone.
  3. Enter your UPI PIN.
  4. Confirm the transaction.

Benefits of the New UPI Cash Withdrawal System:

The new UPI cash withdrawal system offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Convenience: Customers no longer need to carry cash or cards. They can simply use their mobile phones to withdraw cash from any Bank of Baroda ATM.
  • Security: Customers do not need to enter their PIN on the ATM machine. Their UPI PIN is entered on their mobile phone, which is more secure.
  • Speed: The transaction is completed instantly.

Availability of the New UPI Cash Withdrawal System:

The new UPI cash withdrawal system is currently available at select Bank of Baroda ATMs. It is expected to be rolled out across all Bank of Baroda ATMs in India by the end of June 2023.


Bank of Baroda’s new UPI cash withdrawal system is a convenient, secure, and fast way for customers to withdraw cash. If you have a Bank of Baroda account, I encourage you to use the new system the next time you need to withdraw cash.

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Apple Releases iOS 17 with New Features and Improvements

Apple Releases iOS 17:

Apple today released iOS 17, the latest major version of its mobile operating system. The update includes a number of new features and improvements, including a redesigned Lock Screen, a new Messages app, and enhanced privacy features.

Lock Screen:

One of the biggest changes in iOS 17 is the redesigned Lock Screen. Users can now choose from a variety of different styles, including a new photo-centric look that lets them display multiple photos in a collage. They can also add widgets to the Lock Screen, such as weather, calendar, and fitness information.


The Messages app has also been redesigned in iOS 17. The app now includes a new feature called SharePlay, which lets users watch videos, listen to music, and play games together in real time. Messages also has a new design that makes it easier to find and use features.


iOS 17 also includes a number of enhanced privacy features. One new feature called Mail Privacy Protection prevents senders from tracking whether or not you’ve opened their emails. Another new feature called Hide My Email lets users create a unique email address that forwards to their real email address.

Here are some of the other new features and improvements in iOS 17:

  1. A new Health app that makes it easier to track your health data
  2. A new Fitness app that includes new workouts and challenges
  3. A new Wallet app that lets you store your driver’s license and other important documents
  4. A new Home app that makes it easier to control your smart home devices
  5. A new Safari web browser that includes new features for privacy and security

iOS 17 is a major update that brings a number of new features and improvements to the iPhone. If you’re running an older version of iOS, I recommend upgrading to iOS 17.

How To Download ios 17 ?

To download iOS 17, you will need to have a compatible device and an Apple ID. Here are the steps on how to download iOS 17:

Time needed: 2 minutes

Upgrade to iOS 17 and Get a New Look, New Features, and More

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > General > Software Update.

  2. If you see a message that says “Software Update is not available,” make sure that your device is connected to the internet and has at least 50% battery life.

  3. Tap Download and Install.

  4. If you are prompted to enter your Apple ID password, do so.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Note: If you are experiencing problems downloading or installing iOS 17, you can try the following:

  • Restart your device.
  • Connect your device to a power source and a Wi-Fi network.
  • Try downloading the update again later.
  • Contact Apple Support for help.

I hope this helps!

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Battlegrounds Mobile India Returns to Google Play Store After 10-Month Ban

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), the Indian version of the popular battle royale game PUBG Mobile, has returned to the Google Play Store after a 10-month ban. The game was banned in India in September 2020 due to concerns about national security.

The ban on BGMI was lifted on May 22, 2023, after Krafton, the game’s developer, made changes to comply with Indian regulations. These changes included removing certain features from the game, such as the ability to chat with players from other countries.

The return of BGMI has been met with excitement from fans in India. The game was one of the most popular mobile games in the country before it was banned, and it is expected to be a major success again.

Here are some additional details about the ban and its lifting:

  • The ban on BGMI was announced by the Indian government in September 2020. The government said that the game was a threat to national security because it could be used to gather intelligence and train terrorists.
  • Krafton appealed the ban, but it was upheld by the Indian courts.
  • In May 2023, Krafton announced that it had made changes to BGMI to comply with Indian regulations. The changes included removing certain features from the game, such as the ability to chat with players from other countries.
  • The Indian government lifted the ban on BGMI on May 22, 2023.

BGMI Player Demographics:

Age GroupPercentage of Players

BGMI Device Demographics:

DevicePercentage of Players

BGMI Top Earning Countries:

  1. India
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Pakistan
  4. United States
  5. Brazil

BGMI Top Earning Esports Players:

  1. Jonathan Amaral (Jonathan)
  2. Ghatak (Ritesh Singh)
  3. Dynamo (Aditya Sawant)
  4. Scout (Tanmay Singh)
  5. Mortal (Naman Mathur)

BGMI Top Earning Tournaments:

  1. BGIS 2022
  2. PMIS 2022
  3. BGIS 2021
  4. PMIS 2021
  5. BGIS 2020

Battlegrounds Mobile India Official Download Link :-


The return of BGMI is a major victory for Krafton and for fans of the game in India. The game is expected to be a major success again, and it is a sign that the Indian government is open to allowing foreign companies to operate in the country.

2000 Rupee Note Banned: Why the RBI Took This Decision

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced that it will be withdrawing the 2000 rupee note from circulation. The ban will take effect on September 30, 2023.

The RBI has said that the decision to withdraw the 2000 rupee note was taken in order to “curb the menace of counterfeit currency”. The central bank also said that the move would help to “make the Indian currency more secure and efficient”.

The 2000 rupee note was introduced in November 2016, as part of a major demonetization drive by the government. The government had said that the demonetization drive was necessary to crack down on black money and counterfeit currency.

However, the RBI has said that the 2000 rupee note has not been as effective in curbing counterfeit currency as had been hoped. The central bank has also said that the 2000 rupee note is not as popular as other denominations of currency.

As a result, the RBI has decided to withdraw the 2000 rupee note from circulation. The central bank has said that people will be able to deposit their 2000 rupee notes in their bank accounts or exchange them for other denominations of currency until September 30, 2023.

After September 30, 2023, 2000 rupee notes will no longer be legal tender. People who are found in possession of 2000 rupee notes after this date could face legal action.

RBI withdraws 2000 rupee note announcement

Fake News About New 5000 Rupee Note Circulating Online :-

The RBI has said that it will be introducing a new 5000 rupee note in place of the 2000 rupee note. The new 5000 rupee note will be more secure and will have features that make it difficult to counterfeit.

The RBI has also said that it will be increasing the number of ATMs and bank branches that are equipped to dispense 5000 rupee notes. This will help to ensure that people have access to cash after the 2000 rupee note is withdrawn from circulation.

RBI Denies Plans to Introduce New 5000 Rupee Note:-

The statement that the RBI has said that it will be introducing a new 5000 rupee note is false. The RBI has not announced any plans to introduce a new 5000 rupee note. The last time the RBI introduced a new denomination of currency was in 2016, when it introduced the 2000 rupee note.

The claim that the RBI is planning to introduce a new 5000 rupee note appears to have originated from a social media post that was shared widely in 2022. The post included an image of a purported 5000 rupee note, but there is no evidence that this note is genuine. The RBI has not issued any statement confirming the authenticity of the note.

It is important to be aware of false information that is circulating online. If you see a claim that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always check the source of the information before you share it.

Here are some of the reasons why the RBI banned the 2000 rupee note:

  • To curb counterfeit currency
  • To make the Indian currency more secure
  • To make it more difficult for criminals to use cash
  • To encourage people to use electronic payments
  • To reduce the amount of cash in circulation

Here are some of the implications of the 2000 rupee note ban:

  • People will have to exchange their 2000 rupee notes before September 30, 2023
  • Businesses may have to adjust their cash handling procedures
  • The government may have to increase its spending on electronic payments infrastructure
  • The Indian economy may become more reliant on electronic payments.

Here are some of the questions that remain unanswered about the 2000 rupee note ban:

  • How effective will the ban be in curbing counterfeit currency?
  • How will the ban affect businesses and consumers?
  • What will be the long-term impact of the ban on the Indian economy?

Only time will tell how effective the 2000 rupee note ban will be in curbing counterfeit currency and making the Indian currency more secure and efficient. However, the ban is a significant step by the RBI and it is likely to have a major impact on the Indian economy.

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Science Careers That Are Perfect for People Who Want to Make a Difference

Science is a vast and ever-evolving field, and with it comes a wide range of career opportunities. If you’re a science enthusiast with a passion for learning and discovery, then you may be wondering what science careers are in demand for the future.

Here are 10 of the top science careers for the future:

Data Scientist :

Data scientists are in high demand as businesses and organizations look to make sense of the vast amounts of data they collect. Data scientists use their skills in mathematics, statistics, and programming to analyze data and identify trends. They then use this information to help businesses make better decisions.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and AI engineers are in high demand to develop and implement AI technologies. AI engineers use their skills in computer science, mathematics, and statistics to create AI systems that can learn and make decisions on their own.


Bioengineers use their knowledge of biology, engineering, and mathematics to develop new technologies that can improve human health. Bioengineers work in a variety of fields, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.

Environmental Scientist:

Environmental scientists study the environment and its impact on human health. They use their knowledge to develop solutions to environmental problems, such as pollution and climate change. Environmental scientists work for government agencies, private companies, and non-profit organizations.


Geneticists study genes and how they influence human health and behavior. They use their knowledge to develop new treatments for genetic diseases and to improve human health. Geneticists work in a variety of settings, including universities, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies.

Materials Scientist:

Materials scientists study the properties of materials and how they can be used to create new products and technologies. Materials scientists work in a variety of industries, including aerospace, automotive, and electronics.


Pharmacologists study the effects of drugs on the human body. They use their knowledge to develop new drugs and to improve the safety and effectiveness of existing drugs. Pharmacologists work in universities, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies.


Physicists study the fundamental laws of nature. They use their knowledge to develop new technologies, such as lasers, nuclear power, and particle accelerators. Physicists work in universities, government agencies, and private companies.

Research Scientist:

Research scientists conduct research in a variety of fields, including biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. They use their knowledge to develop new knowledge and to create new technologies. Research scientists work in universities, government agencies, and private companies.


Teachers play a vital role in educating the next generation of scientists. They use their knowledge and passion for science to inspire students and to help them develop the skills they need to succeed in science careers. Teachers work in elementary, middle, and high schools.

These are just a few of the many science careers that are in demand for the future. If you’re interested in a science career, there are many resources available to help you get started. You can talk to your teachers, counselors, and mentors. You can also visit websites and organizations that offer information and support for science careers.

Skills Needed for Science Careers:

The skills needed for science careers vary depending on the specific career, but some general skills that are important for all science careers include:

  • Strong math and science skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Communication skills
  • Teamwork skills
  • Research skills

Top 10 Science Careers by Salary:

The following table lists the top 10 science careers by salary, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

RankCareerMedian Annual Salary
1Petroleum Engineer$137,330
2Software Developer$110,140
7Civil Engineer$87,060
8Mechanical Engineer$87,060
9Electrical Engineer$87,060
10Industrial Engineer$87,060

Top 10 Science Careers by Job Growth:

The following table lists the top 10 science careers by job growth, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

RankCareerProjected Job Growth from 2020 to 2030
1Software Developer22%
2Nurse Practitioner25%
3Physician Assistant31%
5Biomedical Engineer17%
6Occupational Therapist18%
7Physical Therapist 16%
8Registered Nurse15%
10Dental Hygienist17%

With a passion for science and a willingness to work hard, you can achieve your dream of a science career.